Unleashing the Power of Single-Cell Multi-Modal Analysis to Advance Precision Medicine

Join Mission Bio and SciLifeLab for an interactive virtual seminar highlighting the key advantages of single-cell technology that simultaneously measures single-nucleotide variation (SNV), copy number variation (CNV), and protein data from the same cells. Our multi-omics platform connects genotype and phenotype in each cell, dissecting the architecture of tumors with unprecedented resolution. We will share examples from the field of Cell & Gene Therapy as well as research on hematologic malignancies.

We are happy to welcome scientists from SciLifeLab who will present at this seminar.
Abstract: In collaboration with researchers investigating mosaic loss of chromosome Y, Clinical Genomics Uppsala has performed a pilot study using the Tapestri single-cell multi-omics (DNA+protein) assay. We found that the abundance of more than 40 cell surface proteins, as well as a custom DNA panel, could be faithfully detected at the single cell level. In ongoing experiments, we use the Tapestri DNA+ protein assay to validate a CRISPR-knockout screen model. We will also give an overview on the Clinical Genomics Uppsala services.

In addition, Dr. Simone Formisano will give an introduction to Mission Bio's Tapestri capabilities on SNV, CNV, and protein sequencing at scale, the workflow and its applications in oncology and cell and gene therapy.

Date: Thursday, March 17, 2022
Time: 10:00 - 11:00  CET


Simone Weström
Senior Research Engineer
Clinical Genomics Uppsala
Photo: Magnus Aronson


Malin Melin
Head of Unit
Clinical Genomics Uppsala
Photo: David Naylor

  Simone Formisano
Technical Application Liaison
Mission Bio
In collaboration with


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